Source code for ankipandas.paths

""" Convenience functions to find the database and other system locations
without the user having to specify full paths.

from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import datetime

# std
import os
import shutil
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from typing import DefaultDict

# ours
from ankipandas.util.log import log

def _find_db(
    user: str | None = None,
) -> DefaultDict[str, list[Path]]:
    Like find_database but only for one search path at a time. Also doesn't
    raise any error, even if the search path doesn't exist.

        maxdepth: Maximum depth relative to search_path
        break_on_first: Break on first search result
        user: Only search for this user

        collection.defaultdict({user: [list of results]})
    search_path = Path(search_path)
    if not search_path.exists():
        log.debug("_find_db: Search path %r does not exist.", str(search_path))
        return collections.defaultdict(list)
    if search_path.is_file():
        if == filename:
            return collections.defaultdict(
                list, { [search_path]}
                "_find_db: Search path %r is a file, but filename does not "
                "match that of %r.",
            return collections.defaultdict(list)
    found: DefaultDict[str, list[Path]] = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(str(search_path)):
        if filename in files:
            _user = os.path.basename(root)
            if user and not _user == user:
            found[_user].append(Path(root) / filename)
            if break_on_first:
                log.debug("_find_db: Breaking after first hit.")
        depth = len(Path(root).relative_to(search_path).parts)
        if maxdepth and depth >= maxdepth:
            # log.debug(
            #     "_find_db: Abort search at %r. "
            #     "Max depth exceeded.",
            #     str(root)
            # )
            del dirs[:]
    return found

[docs]@lru_cache(32) def find_db( search_paths=None, maxdepth=8, filename="collection.anki2", user=None, break_on_first=True, ) -> Path: """ Find path to anki2 database. Args: search_paths: Search path as string or pathlib object or list/iterable thereof. If None, some search paths are set by default. maxdepth: Maximal search depth. filename: Filename of the collection (default: ``collections.anki2``) user: Username to which the collection belongs. If None, search for databases of any user. break_on_first: Stop searching once a database is found. This is obviously faster, but you will not get any errors if there are multiple databases matching your criteria. Raises: If none or more than one result is found: :class:`ValueError` Returns: Path to the anki2 database """ if not search_paths: "Searching for database. This might take some time. " "You can speed this up by specifying a search path or " "directly entering the path to your database." ) search_paths = [ "~/.local/share/Anki2/", "~/Documents/Anki2", Path(os.getenv("APPDATA", "~") + "/Anki2/"), "~/.local/share/Anki2", Path.home(), ] search_paths = [Path(sp).expanduser().resolve() for sp in search_paths] if break_on_first: log.warning( "The search will stop at the first hit, so please verify that " "the result is correct (for example in case there might be more " "than one Anki installation)" ) if isinstance(search_paths, (str, PurePath)): search_paths = [search_paths] found: dict[str, list[Path]] = {} for search_path in search_paths: found = { **found, **_find_db( search_path, maxdepth=maxdepth, filename=filename, user=user, break_on_first=break_on_first, ), } if break_on_first: if user is not None: if user in found: break else: if found: break if user: # We were searching for a specific user if user not in found: raise ValueError( f"Could not find database belonging to user {user}" ) else: results_user = found[user] else: if len(found) >= 2: raise ValueError( "Found databases for more than one user: {}. Please specify " "the user.".format(", ".join(found)) ) elif not found: raise ValueError( "No database found. You might increase the search depth or " "specify search paths to find more." ) else: # No user specified but we found only one results_user = found.popitem()[1] if len(results_user) >= 2: raise ValueError( "Found more than one database belonging to user {} at {}".format( user, ", ".join(map(str, results_user)) ) ) assert len(results_user) == 1 final_result = results_user[0] log.debug("Database found at %r.", final_result) return final_result
[docs]@lru_cache(32) def db_path_input( path: str | PurePath | None = None, user: str | None = None ) -> Path: """Helper function to interpret user input of path to database. 1. If no path is given, we search through some default locations 2. If path points to a file: Take that file 3. If path points to a directory: Search in that directory Args: path: Path to database or search path or None user: User name of anki collection or None Returns: Path to anki database as :class:`Path` object Raises: If path does not exist: :class:`FileNotFoundError` In various other cases: :class:`ValueError` """ if path is None: result = find_db(user=user) else: path = Path(path) if not path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( f"db_path_input: File '{str(path)}' does not exist." ) if path.is_file(): log.debug( "db_path_input: Database explicitly set to %r.", str(path) ) result = path else: result = find_db( search_paths=(path,), user=user, break_on_first=False )"Database found at %r.", str(result)) if result: return result else: raise ValueError("Database could not be found.")
[docs]def db_backup_file_name() -> str: """Time based file name of the backup file.""" return "backup-ankipandas-{}.anki2".format("%Y-%m-%d-%H.%M.%S.%f") )
[docs]def get_anki_backup_folder(path: str | PurePath, nexist="raise") -> Path: """Return path to Anki backup folder. Args: path: Path to Aki database as :class:`Path` nexist: What to do if backup folder doesn't seem to exist: ``raise`` or ``ignore``. Returns: Path to Anki backup folder as :class:`Path`. """ path = Path(path) if not path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Database path {path} seems to be invalid.") backup_folder = path.parent / "backups" if nexist == "raise" and not backup_folder.is_dir(): raise ValueError( f"Anki backup folder corresponding to database at {path} doesn't seem" " to exist. Perhaps you can specify a custom backup " "folder?" ) return backup_folder
[docs]def backup_db( db_path: str | PurePath, backup_folder: str | PurePath | None = None, ) -> Path: """ Back up database file. Args: db_path: Path to database backup_folder: Path to backup folder. If None is given, the backup is created in the Anki backup directory. Returns: Path to newly created backup file as :class:`Path`. """ db_path = Path(db_path) if backup_folder: backup_folder = Path(backup_folder) if not backup_folder.is_dir(): log.debug("Creating backup directory %s.", backup_folder) backup_folder.mkdir(parents=True) else: backup_folder = get_anki_backup_folder(db_path, nexist="raise") if not db_path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError("Database does not seem to exist.") backup_path = backup_folder / db_backup_file_name() shutil.copy2(str(db_path), str(backup_path)) return backup_path