Source code for ankipandas.raw

""" These function implement the more direct interactions with the Anki
database and provide basic functionality that is then used to implement the
functionality in :class:`~ankipandas.collection.Collection`,
:class:`ankipandas.ankidf.AnkiDataFrame` etc.

.. warning::

    Please only use these function if you know what you are doing, as they
    come with less consistency checks as the functionality implemented in
    :class:`~ankipandas.collection.Collection` and
    Also note that the functions here are considered to be internal, i.e. might
    change without prior notice.

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import pathlib
import sqlite3

# std
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import lru_cache

import numpy as np

# 3rd
import pandas as pd

from ankipandas._columns import anki_columns, tables_ours2anki

# ours
from ankipandas.util.log import log
from ankipandas.util.misc import defaultdict2dict, nested_dict


# Open/Close db
# ==============================================================================

[docs]def load_db(path: str | pathlib.PurePath) -> sqlite3.Connection: """ Load database from path. Args: path: String or :class:`pathlib.PurePath`. Returns: :class:`sqlite3.Connection` """ path = pathlib.Path(path) if not path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Not a file/file not found: {path}") return sqlite3.connect(str(path.resolve()))
[docs]def close_db(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> None: """Close the database. Args: db: Database (:class:`sqlite3.Connection`) Returns: None """ db.close()
# Basic getters # ==============================================================================
[docs]def get_table(db: sqlite3.Connection, table: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get raw table from the Anki database. Args: db: Database (:class:`sqlite3.Connection`) table: ``cards``, ``notes`` or ``revs`` Returns: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` """ df = pd.read_sql_query(f"SELECT * FROM {tables_ours2anki[table]}", db) return df
[docs]def get_empty_table(table: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get empty table Args: table: ``cards``, ``notes`` or ``revs`` Returns: :class: `pandas.DataFrame` """ return pd.DataFrame(columns=anki_columns[table])
def _interpret_json_val(val): if isinstance(val, str) and val: try: return json.loads(val) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: return val # msg = ( # "AN ERROR OCCURRED WHILE TRYING TO LOAD INFORMATION " # "FROM THE DATABASE. PLEASE COPY THE WHOLE INFORMATION" # " BELOW AND ABOVE AND OPEN A BUG REPORT ON GITHUB!\n\n" # ) # msg += "value to be parsed: {}".format(repr(val)) # log.critical(msg) # raise else: return val
[docs]def read_info(db: sqlite3.Connection, table_name: str) -> dict: """Get a table from the database and return nested dictionary mapping of it. Args: db: table_name: Returns: """ version = get_db_version(db) _df = pd.read_sql_query(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} ", db) if version == 0: assert len(_df) == 1, _df ret = nested_dict() for col in _df.columns: ret[col] = _interpret_json_val(_df[col][0]) elif version == 1: ret = nested_dict() cols = _df.columns # todo: this is a hack, but oh well: index_cols = 1 if len(_df[cols[0]].unique()) != len(_df): index_cols = 2 for row in _df.iterrows(): row = row[1].to_list() if index_cols == 1: for icol in range(1, len(cols)): ret[row[0]][cols[icol]] = _interpret_json_val(row[icol]) elif index_cols == 2: for icol in range(2, len(cols)): ret[row[0]][row[1]][cols[icol]] = _interpret_json_val( row[icol] ) else: raise ValueError else: raise NotImplementedError return defaultdict2dict(ret)
[docs]@lru_cache(CACHE_SIZE) def get_info(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> dict: """ Get all other information from the database, e.g. information about models, decks etc. Args: db: Database (:class:`sqlite3.Connection`) Returns: Nested dictionary. """ return read_info(db, "col")
[docs]@lru_cache(CACHE_SIZE) def get_db_version(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> int: """Get "version" of database structure Args: db: Returns: 0: all info (also for decks and models) was in the 'col' table 1: separate 'notetypes' and 'decks' tables """ _tables = ( db.cursor() .execute( "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master " "WHERE type ='table' AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%';" ) .fetchall() ) tables = [ret[0] for ret in _tables] if "decks" in tables: return 1 else: return 0
# Basic Setters # ============================================================================== def _consolidate_tables( df: pd.DataFrame, df_old: pd.DataFrame, mode: str, id_column="id" ): if not list(df.columns) == list(df_old.columns): raise ValueError( "Columns do not match: Old: {}, New: {}".format( ", ".join(df_old.columns), ", ".join(df.columns) ) ) old_indices = set(df_old[id_column]) new_indices = set(df[id_column]) # Get indices # ----------- if mode == "update": indices = set(old_indices) elif mode == "append": indices = set(new_indices) - set(old_indices) if not indices: log.warning( "Was told to append to table, but there do not seem to be any" " new entries. " ) elif mode == "replace": indices = set(new_indices) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown mode '{mode}'.") df = df[df[id_column].isin(indices)] # Apply # ----- if mode == "update": df_new = df_old.copy() df_new.update(df) elif mode == "append": df_new = pd.concat([df_old, df], verify_integrity=True) elif mode == "replace": df_new = df.copy() else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown mode '{mode}'.") return df_new # fixme: update mode also can delete things if we do not have all rows
[docs]def set_table( db: sqlite3.Connection, df: pd.DataFrame, table: str, mode: str, id_column="id", ) -> None: """ Write table back to database. Args: db: Database (:class:`sqlite3.Connection`) df: The :class:`pandas.DataFrame` to write table: Table to write to: 'notes', 'cards', 'revs' mode: 'update': Update all existing entries, 'append': Only append new entries, but do not modify, 'replace': Append, modify and delete id_column: Column with ID Returns: None """ df_old = get_table(db, table) df_new = _consolidate_tables( df=df, df_old=df_old, mode=mode, id_column=id_column ) df_new.to_sql(tables_ours2anki[table], db, if_exists="replace", index=False)
[docs]class NumpyJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """JSON Encoder that support numpy datatypes by converting them to built in datatypes."""
[docs] def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.integer): return int(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.floating): return float(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() else: return super().default(obj)
[docs]def set_info(db: sqlite3.Connection, info: dict) -> None: """Write back extra info to database Args: db: Database (:class:`sqlite3.Connection`) info: Output of :func:`get_info` Returns: None """ def encode_value(value): if isinstance(value, (float, np.floating)): return value elif isinstance(value, (int, np.integer)): return value elif isinstance(value, str): return value else: return json.dumps(value, cls=NumpyJSONEncoder) info_json_strings = { key: encode_value(value) for key, value in info.items() } df = pd.DataFrame(info_json_strings, index=[0]) df.to_sql("col", db, if_exists="replace", index=False)
[docs]def update_note_indices(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> None: """Update search indices for 'notes' table. This does not modify any information in the table itself. See for more informationl """ cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_notes_mid ON notes (mid)") cur.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ix_notes_csum on notes (csum)") cur.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ix_notes_usn on notes (usn)")
[docs]def update_card_indices(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> None: """Update search indices for 'cards' table. This does not modify any information in the table itself. See for more informationl """ cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_cards_odid ON cards (odid) WHERE odid != 0" ) cur.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ix_cards_nid on cards (nid)") cur.execute( "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ix_cards_sched on cards (did, queue, due)" ) cur.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ix_cards_usn on cards (usn)")
# Trivially derived getters # ============================================================================== # todo: Using decorators here causes the function signatures to be messed up # with sphinx but oh well.
[docs]@lru_cache(CACHE_SIZE) def get_ids(db: sqlite3.Connection, table: str) -> list[int]: """Get list of IDs, e.g. note IDs etc. Args: db: Database (:class:`sqlite3.Connection`) table: 'revs', 'cards', 'notes' Returns: Nested dictionary """ return get_table(db, table)["id"].astype(int).tolist()
[docs]@lru_cache(CACHE_SIZE) def get_deck_info(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> dict: """Get information about decks. Args: db: Database (:class:`sqlite3.Connection`) Returns: Nested dictionary """ if get_db_version(db) == 0: _dinfo = get_info(db)["decks"] elif get_db_version(db) == 1: _dinfo = read_info(db, "decks") else: raise NotImplementedError if not _dinfo: return {} else: return _dinfo
[docs]@lru_cache(CACHE_SIZE) def get_did2deck(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> dict[int, str]: """Mapping of deck IDs (did) to deck names. Args: db: Database (:class:`sqlite3.Connection`) Returns: Dictionary mapping """ dinfo = get_deck_info(db) _did2dec = {int(did): dinfo[did]["name"] for did in dinfo} return defaultdict(str, _did2dec)
[docs]@lru_cache(CACHE_SIZE) def get_deck2did(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> dict[str, int]: """Mapping of deck names to deck IDs Args: db: Database (:class:`sqlite3.Connection`) Returns: Dictionary mapping of deck id to deck name """ dinfo = get_deck_info(db) _did2dec = {dinfo[did]["name"]: int(did) for did in dinfo} return defaultdict(int, _did2dec)
[docs]@lru_cache(CACHE_SIZE) def get_model_info(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> dict: """Get information about models. Args: db: Database (:class:`sqlite3.Connection`) Returns: Nested dictionary """ if get_db_version(db) == 0: _dinfo = get_info(db)["models"] elif get_db_version(db) == 1: _dinfo = read_info(db, "notetypes") else: raise NotImplementedError if not _dinfo: return {} else: return {int(key): value for key, value in _dinfo.items()}
[docs]@lru_cache(CACHE_SIZE) def get_mid2model(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> dict[int, str]: """Mapping of model IDs (mid) to model names. Args: db: Database (:class:`sqlite3.Connection`) Returns: Dictionary mapping """ minfo = get_model_info(db) _mid2model = {int(mid): minfo[mid]["name"] for mid in minfo} return defaultdict(str, _mid2model)
[docs]@lru_cache(CACHE_SIZE) def get_model2mid(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> dict[str, int]: """Mapping of model name to model ID (mid) Args: db: Database (:class:`sqlite3.Connection`) Returns: Dictionary mapping """ minfo = get_model_info(db) _mid2model = {minfo[mid]["name"]: int(mid) for mid in minfo} return defaultdict(int, _mid2model)
[docs]@lru_cache(CACHE_SIZE) def get_mid2sortfield(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> dict[int, int]: """Mapping of model ID to index of sort field.""" if get_db_version(db) == 0: minfo = get_model_info(db) _mid2sortfield = {mid: minfo[mid]["sortf"] for mid in minfo} return defaultdict(int, _mid2sortfield) else: # fixme: Don't know how to retrieve sort field yet minfo = get_model_info(db) return {mid: 0 for mid in minfo}
[docs]@lru_cache(CACHE_SIZE) def get_mid2fields(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> dict[int, list[str]]: """Get mapping of model ID to field names. Args: db: Database (:class:`sqlite3.Connection`) Returns: Dictionary mapping of model ID (mid) to list of field names. """ if get_db_version(db) == 0: minfo = get_model_info(db) return { int(mid): [flds["name"] for flds in minfo[mid]["flds"]] for mid in minfo } elif get_db_version(db) == 1: finfo = read_info(db, "fields") mid2fields = { int(mid): [finfo[mid][ord]["name"] for ord in finfo[mid]] for mid in finfo } return mid2fields else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]@lru_cache(CACHE_SIZE) def get_mid2templateords(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> dict[int, list[int]]: """Get mapping of model ID to available templates ids Args: db: Returns: """ if get_db_version(db) == 0: minfo = get_model_info(db) return {mid: [x["ord"] for x in minfo[mid]["tmpls"]] for mid in minfo} elif get_db_version(db) == 1: tinfo = read_info(db, "templates") return {int(mid): [int(x) for x in tinfo[mid]] for mid in tinfo} else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]@lru_cache(CACHE_SIZE) def get_cid2nid(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> dict[int, int]: """Mapping card ID to note ID. Args: db: Database (:class:`sqlite3.Connection`) Returns: Dictionary """ cards = get_table(db, "cards") _cid2nid = dict(zip(cards["id"], cards["nid"])) return defaultdict(int, _cid2nid)
[docs]@lru_cache(CACHE_SIZE) def get_cid2did(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> dict[int, int]: """Mapping card ID to deck ID. Args: db: Database (:class:`sqlite3.Connection`) Returns: Dictionary """ cards = get_table(db, "cards") _cid2did = dict(zip(cards["id"], cards["did"])) return defaultdict(int, _cid2did)
[docs]@lru_cache(CACHE_SIZE) def get_nid2mid(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> dict[int, int]: """Mapping note ID to model ID. Args: db: Database (:class:`sqlite3.Connection`) Returns: Dictionary """ notes = get_table(db, "notes") _nid2mid = dict(zip(notes["id"], notes["mid"])) return defaultdict(int, _nid2mid)