Source code for ankipandas.util.misc

# std
from __future__ import annotations

import collections
from typing import Any

[docs]def invert_dict(dct: dict) -> dict: """Invert dictionary, i.e. reverse keys and values. Args: dct: Dictionary Returns: Dictionary with reversed keys and values. Raises: :class:`ValueError` if values are not unique. """ if not len(set(dct.values())) == len(dct.values()): print(dct) print(sorted(dct.values())) raise ValueError("Dictionary does not seem to be invertible.") return {value: key for key, value in dct.items()}
[docs]def flatten_list_list(lst: list[list[Any]]) -> list[Any]: """Takes a list of lists and returns a list of all elements. Args: lst: List of Lists Returns: list """ return [item for sublist in lst for item in sublist]
[docs]def nested_dict(): """This is very clever and stolen from Use it to initialize a dictionary-like object which automatically adds levels. E.g. .. code-block:: python a = nested_dict() a['test']['this']['is']['working'] = "yaaay" """ return collections.defaultdict(nested_dict)
[docs]def defaultdict2dict(defdict: collections.defaultdict) -> dict: return { key: defaultdict2dict(value) if isinstance(value, collections.defaultdict) else value for key, value in defdict.items() }